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  • Writer's pictureJulia L. Xu

The Fearless Summit

Often I hear others say to me, "You must have figured out your life, getting so many awesome jobs at such a young age!" From Brown University to McKinsey to Disney to Alibaba, I guess I have achieved many main-stream successes and seem to be rising on this glamorous corporate ladder.

However, I often ask myself, "What does it really mean to 'figure out' your life? What is the definition of success?" Two months ago, I made a life-changing decision to quit my seemingly ideal corporate job as Chief of Staff at Alibaba US, leaving a secure career path behind. I decided to take a leap of faith and throw myself into the unknown, trusting that I can only really "figure things out" if I let myself go explore without any constraints, labels, or backup options. Instead of believing in security, I decided to believe in myself. Despite how others thought I'd "figured out" a perfect path to success, I was only following a pre-paved road defined by a society that's disconnected from my passion and aspirations. Was that really how I want to live my life? So I let them all go. Only then am I charting an original trial towards my dreams in life. As an aspiring entrepreneur at heart, I am now pursuing my true passion, starting from empowering other entrepreneurs as a startup business consultant, with the long-term vision of building my own startup. It ain't easy, and the road is long, but I know at least now I took the first baby step to be on the right path to my own success. Just as the saying goes, "Dreams don't work unless you do." Changes and uncertainties are often daunting, but only by taking that first step can you get one step closer to your dream. Don't forget who you are, and don't let go of your dreams. The future is for the fearless.


Join me at The Fearless Summit on April 17th, 2020 3pm EST to hear about my story of quitting my job and becoming a startup business consultant.

Grab your ticket with my 30% off discount here!

"The Fearless. A full day to provide hope, insight and inspiration towards the goals and dreams that are still possible with a bit of fearlessness. With over 100+ speakers sharing through talks, workshops and panels you will have everything you need to reset for the rest of your year. Join us online on 17th April and be part of this global community, remember; The Future is For The Fearless."


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